
Building the IX of the future: Next-generation interconnection powered by DE-CIX

Dr. Thomas King, CTO DE-CIX International
18 March 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Internet, staying ahead of the curve is essential for infrastructure providers. As the demands for higher bandwidth and lower latency continue to grow, Internet Exchanges (IXs) must evolve to meet these challenges head-on. At DE-CIX, we are pioneering the development of the next generation of IXs, focusing on performance, scalability, automation, and resilience to build the Internet Exchange of the future.

Scalability and Automation

To pave the way for ultra-low latency data exchange and on-demand scalability, automation is key. At DE-CIX, we have implemented various measures to streamline connections, maintenance, and statistics:

  1. Patch Robots: Deploying robots in heavily connected data centers simplifies physical connections, reducing manual efforts significantly.
  2. Monitoring and Statistics: Enhancing automation through interconnection APIs, we provide customers with access to real-time monitoring and usage statistics, and in future also self-service contract management. Alerts and maintenance messages are being integrated into automation tool chains for seamless operation.
  3. Self-Service Portal: Empowering customers with flexibility and control, our self-service portal allows for real-time provisioning, bandwidth adjustments, and service management at the press of a button.

Next-Generation Scalability

The hardware of tomorrow's IXs must be highly scalable to accommodate the increasing demands for bandwidth and port density. With a focus on high-performance interconnection platforms, 800 GE and Terabit Ethernet (TE) connections will become necessary to support the growing needs of immersive applications. Our recent milestone of offering 800 GE access at the DE-CIX IX in Frankfurt showcases our commitment to scalability.

Redundancy for High Resilience

Ensuring the highest level of resilience against outages is paramount for critical infrastructure. We're enhancing redundancy through:

  1. Redundant Deployment of Hardware: Not only relying on continuous upgrades to the latest hardware versions to improve functionality, capacity, reliability, and energy efficiency, DE-CIX also ensures redundancy on all levels of our infrastructure.
  2. Geographical Distribution: Strategically distributing high-performance interconnection platforms across multiple data centers within each metro region we serve ensures resilience against localized disruptions. Expansion into new locations and markets, and the interconnection of our globally distributed platfroms, further bolsters redundancy and availability.

Enterprise Segment Development

Customized interconnection services tailored to enterprise needs are essential to meet the growing demands of companies of all sizes for dedicated and tailor-made interconnection. Cloud connectivity, low-latency cloud-to-cloud communication, and automation tools are central to simplifying access and management of interconnection services.


In an increasingly digital world, high-performance, resilient, and secure interconnection is vital for economic success. At DE-CIX over the last few years and continuing today, we have been spearheading the development of the Internet Exchange of the future. With a dedicated R&D team, technical expertise, and collaborative partnerships, we're ready to serve low latency, high-performance, and secure connectivity the next generation of content, products, and applications. Join us on this journey towards a more connected future.