24 November 2023

New Cloud Router insights on the DE-CIX self-service portal

Cloud router traffic statistics

The DE-CIX customer portal is the place for you to manage your interconnection services. We are constantly working on adding new services and features to improve the experience, and we are now happy to announce a new feature to give you more insights into Cloud ROUTER usage. 

Cloud ROUTER traffic statistics

The Cloud ROUTER offers a direct and private high performance data exchange between cloud environments. If you are using our Cloud ROUTER, you can now get insight on the portal into the telemetry of your router, and the DirectCLOUD and VirtualPNI services you have running on it.

This includes:

  • Ingress and egress bit/s of your Cloud ROUTER(s) and related services
  • Ingress and egress packet/s of your Cloud ROUTER(s) and related services
  • Traffic volume between your Cloud ROUTER service and the BGP neighbor address over time

We have also made the route table view visible on portal – and via the API – which simplifies configuration and operation by allowing you to easily monitor the IP prefixes announced to the Cloud ROUTER from various clouds.

Find the Cloud ROUTER dashboards under “Insights” in the DE-CIX portal.

User experience enhancement

Additionally, we have made some UX/UI improvements to the access port and service insight views. The filters are now visible when you switch between ingress and egress views, both on the side panel and inside the graphs, making it easy for you to view and filter the telemetry data.