18 July 2024

IDC infobrief highlights network imperatives for cloud, AI, and cybersecurity

Connectivity the key to digital success

As digital transformation accelerates, connectivity is emerging as often overlooked but crucial element enabling the IT trends driving business strategies. A new infobrief from IDC, "How Connectivity Will Help Enable the Top IT Trends," outlines how robust network infrastructure underpins advancements in AI, hybrid and multi-cloud environments, cloud security, and application modernization, as well as supporting a hybrid workforce.

AI and the data explosion

The IDC report highlights a significant trend towards the integration of AI in business processes. The increased adoption of AI solutions – 76% of companies either investing or planning to invest in generative AI (GenAI) – underlines the need for high-performance, low-latency network connectivity. As over 45% of European organizations are currently using or plan to use cloud environments for their GenAI applications, the main challenges faced include ensuring seamless data transfer and minimizing network latency, both crucial for real-time AI processing and analytics.

Hybrid and multi-cloud strategies

A notable 43% of European firms prioritize adopting multi-cloud strategies to enhance their digital capabilities. This approach not only provides increased capacity for distributed enterprise applications but also supports the growing integration of AI. Connectivity plays a vital role here, as managing traffic across multiple clouds requires sophisticated network solutions that offer low latency, reliable performance, and efficient data management. Companies must consider connectivity implications such as data volume, transfer speed, and the need for robust service level agreements (SLAs) to avoid operational inefficiencies.

Cloud security

Security remains a paramount concern, with cloud security initiatives being the last to face budget cuts in times of economic pressure. The report reveals that 66% of European organizations prioritize cloud security, emphasizing the importance of protecting data both at rest and in transit. Network partners are expected to provide not only physical infrastructure but also support for regulatory compliance, identity and access management, and digital sovereignty. As cybersecurity threats evolve, ensuring high-performance and reliable network connectivity becomes essential for effective data recovery and protection.

Application modernization

Application modernization continues to be a key IT focus, with companies striving to rebuild and rearchitect legacy systems in cloud-native environments. However, the report cautions that the interconnection of these applications is often overlooked. Effective modernization requires a parallel focus on connectivity options to prevent cost overruns and ensure seamless data flows. Organizations are encouraged to consider connectivity needs comprehensively, integrating them into their application development strategies.

Hybrid and remote working

The shift towards hybrid and remote working remains a dominant trend, with 78% of EMEA companies identifying it as a primary workforce transformation initiative for this year and beyond. Successful implementation depends heavily on secure, reliable, and low-latency network resources. As remote work becomes a permanent fixture, robust connectivity solutions are essential to support employee productivity and maintain business continuity.

Download the infobrief

IDC's infobrief provides insights into the indispensable role of connectivity in driving the top IT trends. From supporting AI workloads and multi-cloud environments to ensuring cloud security and facilitating hybrid working, download to report to find out how to find your way to digital success.