13 July 2023

Gain control of your digital environment

Interconnection services

Enterprises are faced with new and unique networking challenges arising from leveraging the cloud, the edge, the Internet of things, and the explosion of remote and distributed work. When you take advantage of services from different providers – cloud, Software as a Service, Platform as a Service (PaaS), data centers – the flow of data and content becomes increasingly complex. This is even more the case depending on how you connect these services to people and devices in various locations.

For the people who run the enterprise network, this means that you are now responsible for the performance networks you do not have real control over. Limited productivity, user frustration, unreachable applications, interrupted webinars, reduced conversions, and buffering times during video streaming – these are all just the tip of the iceberg of issues arising from not having control over your connectivity.

So how do you gain back that control over the environment where digital transactions happen?

Optimize your network infrastructure

The Internet is not sufficient to support the kind of connectivity that digital enterprises require. When business performance is driven by interactions between people, devices, systems, applications, data, and the cloud, the most important way to optimize it is to create secure, resilient network infrastructure that interconnects all the participants and digital flows.

Interconnection happens when different entities connect their networks to exchange data, be it big players like Google, Netflix or Amazon, or smaller enterprises. You can link numerous separate entities and unite them with each other in digital ecosystems, and also connect these ecosystems with other individual entities and ecosystems. This allows you to connect to partners, customers, and employees globally to collaborate and exchange data. Interconnection is the glue that joins these entities together.

Direct, private connections are the fastest connections, and they not only deliver the best performance but are also the most secure.

Get interconnected

In the global digital economy, a significant amount of interconnection happens at Internet Exchanges. While traditionally Internet Exchanges offer a platform to exchange data publicly between networks, they have evolved to become strong and diverse interconnection ecosystems, connecting hundreds and thousands of networks on one interconnection platform.

This has allowed Internet Exchanges to expand their services and to offer them to all kinds of companies across different industries. Using the diverse ecosystem of networks and sophisticated platforms for private, secure interconnection, Internet Exchanges now connect networks, enterprises, data centers, cloud providers, and much more. The physical infrastructure facilitates data traffic exchange between all kinds of parties.

Being connected to an interconnection platform allows you to connect directly with hundreds of networks. Through this interconnection, you can avoid congested transit routes and can transmit your data via the most direct route. As a whole, the network quality of all networks connected to the Internet Exchange improves through the direct transmission and the substantially shorter routes taken by data packets, be it by peering publicly – the Internet – or using private connections that bypass it.

Holistic solution for your connectivity needs – now and tomorrow

The interconnection of today, and especially of tomorrow, requires flexibility in terms of different interconnection models. Different types of needs, such as cloud connectivity, security services, and private connections with specific SLAs, must be catered for. Being connected to a diverse, high-performance platform that connects hundreds of networks housed in multiple data centers, you can build a holistic solution for your connectivity needs to increase the efficiency of your systems and to gear up for growing data volumes and new applications. And stay in control of your digital environment.