
The shifting interconnection landscape in the US

North America study

The adoption and impact of the distributed data center and carrier neutral Internet Exchange (IX) model over the last decade.

This study, commissioned by DE-CIX and to be published later in 2024, analyzes adoption rates of the neutral model of interconnection and its impact on digital ecosystems in the US, on a national and metro-area level. 

Among other topics, the study delves into:

  • The rate of adoption of the neutral IX model and its advantages for both network and data center operators
  • How neutral Internet Exchanges boost ecosystem growth
  • The importance of redundancy, both geographical and cross-vendor
  • The impact of a complementary IX offering on the interconnection landscape
  • Trends in data center investments and demand
  • How distributed and neutral IXs can enable further growth in densely built environments where space is at a premium

To receive your copy of the study later in 2024, please fill in the form.