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4 January 2024

2024 tech trends

Cloud concentration risk 02

What technology trends will shape the interconnection business in 2024? Our annual predictions, identified by Dr. Thomas King, CTO at DE-CIX, highlights five trends that will drive the evolution of technology this year.

1. AI interconnect services for low latency AI delivery

2023 was the breakthrough year for generative AI, with many employees using gen AI tools for work. However, many companies lack the internal computing resources to enable the development and operation of their own AI models.

Bridging the gap, AI from the cloud and AI as a Service (AIaaS) providers offer convenient alternatives. To ensure low latency and high bandwidth, companies must optimize data pathways and connect directly and securely with external AI models or service offerings: AI interconnect services, either direct connectivity to AI clouds or directly connecting to AI networks (“peering”) will need to be central to any tech strategy.

2. AIOps for network operations

So, optimizing networks enhances AI performance, but reciprocally, AI contributes to the improved performance of networks. Though the realm of AIOps is still in its early stages, it is demonstrating considerable potential.

While all areas of IT operations are covered by AIOps, one area which is emerging as an important component is AIOps for network operations. Network engineers are being faced with increasingly complex network landscapes, and AIOps  can help to simplify the management of network operations through automation, predictive analytics, and root cause analysis based on big data and machine learning.

3.  The SD-WAN exchange

Many enterprises are already taking advantage of SD-WAN, replacing much more expensive and less flexible technologies like MPLS. SD-WAN uses existing Internet connectivity to integrate seamlessly with multi-cloud scenarios. As a software-based overlay that separates the control plane from the underlying network infrastructure, SD-WAN optimizes data pathways by routing locally instead of routing all traffic back through the company infrastructure.

Internet Exchanges have the potential to evolve into SD-WAN Exchanges, providing different SD-WAN endpoints. Enterprises can then use their SD-WAN technology of choice to connect to SD-WAN Exchanges to either consume interconnection services such as cloud connectivity or to route between different SD-WAN technologies.

4. Post-quantum era private communications

With the increasing availability of quantum computing, significant challenges have emerged in securing confidential communications. To ensure private communication channels in the post-quantum era, quantum encryption technology is being developed and is now becoming available in an experimental form.

In 2024 we will see productive quantum networks being built in Europe to test QKD over longer distances, a challenge yet to be solved conclusively. New approaches to the interconnection of participants in quantum networks will also emerge, which will ensure the optimization of data pathways to minimize distances.

5. Global network as a service

Network as a service (NaaS) has developed especially strongly in the enterprise sector, with the focus placed on local and regional WAN connectivity. But now, the first NaaS providers have built global networks to support global organizations in connecting their many locations, manufacturing plants, and distributed workforces, and enabling them local access to the Internet, clouds, and partner networks.

Exciting times ahead!