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14 March 2024

Relaunched DE-CIX partner program

We have revamped our partner program, now titled “R3” for Resell-Refer-Reach. The program now includes not just our core wholesale partners and resellers but also welcomes Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Systems Integrators, and IT Consultancies into the fold. It is ideal for companies seeking fundamental resources, support, and collaboration opportunities to grow together with us.

Add cloud connectivity to your service offering

DE-CIX’s interconnection services perfectly complement and enrich the existing portfolios of our partners who can capitalize on providing bespoke and specialized connectivity solutions also to their enterprise customers.

The services available for partners are not limited to peering but includes connectivity to an array of over 50 cloud providers through the DirectCLOUD service, the Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS), the scalable DE-CIX Cloud ROUTER, and bespoke private point-to-point connections.