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19 December 2023

DE-CIX highlights 2023

DE-CIX Finland Launch Event
Celebrating 10 years of partnership with Nokia at the launch of DE-CIX Helsinki. 

As the year comes to an end, we wanted to share some of the DE-CIX highlights of 2023 with you.

New service for simple and secure cloud to cloud data transfers

In March we launched the Cloud ROUTER, enabling our customers direct high-performance data transfers between cloud environments. The service enables you to route data between clouds on DE-CIX’s private carrier-grade platform within a metro region or even within a data center campus, and benefit from low latency, high bandwidth, increased security and protection against cyber-attacks, while ensuring interoperability between public clouds, private clouds, and on-premise infrastructure.

Our API and portal allow you to instantly deploy and manage your Cloud ROUTER. The portal also offers you insights into the telemetry of your router, and the services you have running on it.

New locations

We announced our entry to three new countries: Indonesia, Mexico, and Pakistan. DE-CIX India also added a new city with Hyderabad. Additionally, we celebrated the ready for services of our locations in Norway, Denmark, and Finland, as well as our DE-CIX as a service locations in Africa with ACIX in Kinshasa, DRC, and AF-CIX in Lagos, Nigeria, and in the Middle East with AqabaIX in Jordan.

We also upgraded the SwissIX to DE-CIX’s Apollon platform, and we are now responsible for technical operations and customer support and provisioning (business management and marketing of SwissIX remains with the association).

Mexico launch event
Launching DE-CIX Mexico.
DE-CIX Norway Launch Event
Opening DE-CIX Oslo and Kristiansand with partner Bulk. 
DE-CIX RoundTable autumn 2022
We had in total of 11 RoundTable events in Germany. 
UAE-IX peering workshop 2023
UAE-IX Peering workshop in Dubai.

New tech

We were excited to be among the first Internet Exchange operators to introduce the cutting-edge 100G LR technology helping our customers to stay ahead of the curve and ensure their networks are ready to handle the demands of the future. 100G LR is available for all new 100GE ports in Frankfurt, with global rollout following up soon.

Also in Frankfurt, our team was busy migrating hundreds of customer ports transitioning from old Nokia XRS40 devices to the new Nokia SR14s FP5-based routers. This helps us meet the demand for 100 and 400GE ports and to support the future growth of DE-CIX Frankfurt. The migration was necessary to meet the high demand for 100GE and 400GE Access ports, while also supporting future growth in Frankfurt. The new Nokia routers are also more energy efficient, consuming only half the power of their predecessors.

In Helsinki, we also celebrated 10 years of partnership with Nokia based on joint research and development efforts and standardization initiatives. Nokia provides the most innovative hardware – such as the new devices in Frankfurt –allowing us to offer highly reliable, low-latency and seamless interconnection services for customers.

Learn more about the technical implementations here.

New on the customer portal

Over the year, we introduced numerous new features and enhancements on our customer portal, including redesigned Service Insights System giving customers deeper insights into the utilization of their access ports and services. 

We also introduced GlobePEER DDoS traffic insight dashboards giving you valuable insights into the origins of DDoS attacks and the amount of traffic that is flowing across a port.

Traffic peaks

The consistently high average data traffic from the pandemic times continues to be the new normal. We did not see as many extraordinary peaks in 2023 as in previous years, but we did have some highlights:

Dallas is closing in on 1Tbps with the current peak at 889.77 Gbps. Interestingly, the peaks in Dallas tend happen on Thursday nights – maybe something to do with Thursday night football? Over in New York, the peak is currently 1.61 Tbps.

In the first weekend of December, maybe thanks to concurrent software update rollouts, we saw a significant increase in the amount of traffic at three DE-CIX Internet Exchanges: In Madrid, the traffic reached 1.32 Tbps, while Marseille experienced a surge to 353 Gbps, and Munich to 241 Gbps.

In Frankfurt, we crossed both the 15 Tbps line for the first time in October and then a mere two weeks later, we hit 16 Tbps.

Frankfurt 16 Tbps
DE-CIX Frankfurt 16 Tbps celebrations.
Capacity awards 2023
Taking home the title of Best Internet Exchange Operator in the 2023 Global Carrier Awards.